This is a distinct Print-and-Play version of a crayon-rails game set on the continent of Africa. It was developed in 2005 for personal use but never distributed.

The package relies on players having access to much of the content of a Mayfair Games crayon rails set (e.g. EuroRails, Empire Builder). Unlike Michael Mette’s excellent African Rails, this version does not introduce new terrain types, and uses a mix of products which exist in other Mayfair games (apart from Gold).

The game relies on players having some familiarity with the continent of Africa (some disasters affect to specific countries, and borders are indicated on the map but countries are not named) but otherwise attempts to reflect realistic production of some commodities in Africa - though the prospect of trans-continental rail in Africa remains largely fantastic.


License: Creative Commons Licence
AfricaRails by Richard Martin-Nielsen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.